A Series of Regional Workshops on The Health of Women, Newborns, Children and Adolescents in Conflict Settings: Improving Evidence and Guidance for Effective Action
Summer 2021
To further enhance research and evidence, along with coordinated advocacy and action for improved women’s, newborns, children’s and adolescents’ health (WCH) in conflict settings, a series of regional workshops have been planned over the summer of 2021. The intent of these workshops are to disseminate findings of recent research from BRANCH and others working on WCH in conflict settings, discuss outstanding national and regional evidence needs, and build relationships among partners from various constituencies in these countries to further an action-oriented research and evidence-based advocacy agenda to meet these needs and advance policy dialogue. The workshops also aim to reflect on the current regional situation of WCH in conflict settings, with a particular focus on challenges in implementation, existing evidence and gaps, the impact of COVID-19, and identifying synergies to move forward together.
Workshop 3: A Regional Focus on West Africa
On November 30, 2021 the BRANCH Consortium and PMNCH, together with the University of Ibadan in Nigeria, held a one-day regional multi-stakeholder virtual workshop across Nigeria and Mali. The session began with a quick welcome and opening remarks, presentations from a few key high-level speakers, followed by break-out sessions and a plenary where participants could dive into more focused discussions around research findings, regional-specific evidence gaps and beyond.
To view a recording of the plenary discussions please click on the video below.
Workshop 2: A Regional Focus on the Eastern Mediterranean
On October 12 & 13, 2021 the BRANCH Consortium and PMNCH together with the Knowledge to Policy (K2P) Center at the American University of Beirut, a lead local organization, held a regional multi-stakeholder virtual two-day workshop in the Eastern Mediterranean Region – with country representation from Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Yemen and Pakistan. Each session began with a few key high-level speakers representing diverse stakeholder groups and views, and the remainder of the time was dedicated to moderated break-out groups and plenary discussions around working together and ways forward.
To view a recording of the plenary discussions please click on the video below.
Workshop 1: A Regional Focus on Afghanistan and Pakistan
On August 10, 2021 the BRANCH Consortium and PMNCH together with the Institute for Global Health and Development at Aga Khan University, a lead local organization, held a regional multi-stakeholder virtual one-day workshop in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The session began with high-level speakers, followed by break-out groups for participants to discuss select themes, and closed with a plenary session.
Access the full agenda, including speaker and moderator bios.
To view a recording of the plenary discussions please click on the video below.
Launch of The Lancet Series on Women’s and Children’s Health in Conflict Settings
25 January 2021 at 10:00-11:45 am EST / 4:00-5:45 pm CET
Series authors discuss a new four-part Series of papers published in the Lancet that aim to improve understanding of and address the special requirements of providing sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition services in conflict settings. The Series draws upon scholarship from the BRANCH Consortium, providing insights into the nature and dynamics of women’s and children’s health and nutrition in diverse conflict contexts globally. The Series papers articulate a way forward to fill immediate evidence and guidance gaps as well as longer term action to ensure the most effective humanitarian health response for conflict-affected women and children. A diverse panel of experts and frontline workers share ideas on how to advance health sector interventions for women and children in conflict settings.
Access the full Lancet Series on women’s and children’s health in conflict settings here.
Access the full agenda, including speaker bios, here.
To view a recording of the live event, please click on the video below.